

Nigeria Quintessence Club of USA

Nigeria Quintessence club of USA (NQ) is a secular service club in USA for young men of Nigeria ancestry.

Our Constitution

Article 1: Name
The club shall be known and called NIGERIA QUINTESSENCE CLUB OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (abbreviated – NQ Club of USA or NQ)

Motto: All for one, one for all!

Call signal: NQ! Progress!!  Progress! NQ!!

Article 2: Membership
The club shall be opened to any person of Nigeria heritage currently living in or frequenting USA.

Every member shall be qualified to and be addressed with prefix of NQ.

NQ is a social club, hence religious, political, thought or other legally and morally accepted differences shall not be a debarment to membership.

The club expects every member to be absolutely loyal to it irrespective of other affiliations.

Article 3: Aims and Objectives

  1. The club is pivoted on mutual respect for each other irrespective of individual’s social, economical, political, religious or natural status.
  2. Each member shall be happy to assist other members in achieving a satisfying good living.
  3. We shall support any positive ambitions of our members, be it economic, profession, political, or traditional.
  4. The club shall serve as connecting conduit and in synergy to all other positive minded groups and societies in our community.
  5. We shall not sabotage or be breaking agents to already existing legal and progressive groups.
  6. We shall all be active participants in natural events and celebrations involving any of us.

Article 4: Membership

The membership of the club shall initially be a maximum of twenty-five (25). The membership limit may be amended by an Extra-ordinary meeting called for the purpose. The vote at this meeting shall be carried by a minimum of two-third or ‘two-third plus one’ if two-third is not arithmetically possible.

The first ten members are collectively referred to as ‘Foundation Members’.
4.1: Enrollment procedure
The following procedure shall be followed for a prospective member;

4.2: Swearing in ceremony
This shall involve the affirmation of the oath of allegiance of the club (Appendix 1), signing of the constitution register and obtaining the club ID & paraphernalia.

The new member shall also be assigned a membership number.

4.3: Membership Registration Number
This shall be in the format “NQ/Year/serial number” – The first member has been assigned the number NQ/2007/001.

4.4: Application fees, Membership Fees, Meeting Dues, Fines and Voluntary Donations.

4.5: Intake criteria

4.5.1: Intake Procedure: Minimum requirement to be accepted:

4.6: Good standing criteria
Any member who obeys and abide with the constitution of the club shall ordinarily be considered to be in good standing provided the following shall also be abided with.

4.7: Exit criteria
Membership of the club may be terminated voluntarily or by an ordinary resolution of the club. A terminating member must surrender club’s property in his possession back to the club.

4.8: Readmission criteria

4.9: Membership benefits
A member of the club shall ordinarily have the following benefits accruable to him.

Article 5: Officers of the Club
5.1: The club shall have the following standing officers to run its affairs:

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. General secretary
  4. Director Of Public Relations
  5. Chief whip
  6. Finance Secretary
  7. Director Of Social

Assistantship positions may be created for any of the above at any time by an ordinary resolution of the house.

5.2: Term of office
All elected posts shall be for a period of twenty-four months (2 years), after which a fresh election shall be held to elect new officers. A member may hold a position for a maximum of two terms.

The month of May shall be regarded as the club’s first month.

5.3: Election of Officers
Election of officers shall be held in the month of April in an election year. It shall be by a closed ballot. There will be opportunities for campaign and lobbying by aspirants from the month of March of the election year.

5.4: Electoral Committee: 
The committee shall comprise of at least three members chosen by open selection. A member may also volunteer. The committee shall conduct the election, and also organize a swearing-in ceremony.

5.5: Voting Right:
Every full member shall qualify to vote in all elections. Only members who are in good standing and have been a member for at least one year may contest for a position. A debtor, persons on probation or suspension may not contest.         

Article 6: Function of the officers
6.1: President

6.2: Vice President

6.3: General Secretary

6.4: Public Relation Officer

6.5: Chief Whip

6.6: Executive Meetings

6.7: Standing Committees

Article 7: Patrons, Matrons and Special Advisers

7.1: The club shall have a minimum of one Patron and one Matron. The patron and/or matron may also double as a special adviser. The club may however, by an ordinary vote appoint special adviser(s) based on the appointee(s) special knowledge or profession. The tenure of the adviser(s) shall be determined by the vote appointing them.

7.2: Qualification of Patrons, Matrons & Special Advisers:

7.3: Duties of Patrons, Matrons & Special Advisers:

7.4: Responsibility of the club to the Patrons, Matrons & Special Adviser.

Article 8: Trustees

8.1: The club shall by an extra-ordinary resolution appoint three (3) or five (5) trustees among its members, patrons and matrons. Majority of the trustees shall be members of the club.

8.2: Duties of the Trustees

8.3: Term of office of a Trustee:
A trustee shall ordinarily hold his office for life. He may however cease to be a Trustee if he;

Article 9:  Meetings
Members should be present and punctual at all relevant meetings. Tardiness and absentees shall attract sanctions.

(i)         Each general meeting shall be presided over by the president
(ii)        Minutes shall be taken by the Secretary

9.1: Ordinary general meetings

9.2: Extra-ordinary general meetings

9.3: End of the year meeting

9.4: Annual general meeting

9.5: Committees meetings


Article 10: Finances

10.1: Banking
The club is a not-for-profit organization. A non-interest yielding checking accounts shall be maintained with a bank whose service is overt and which offer depositors’ security. Subsequent accounts, if needed shall be opened based on the same protocol.

10.2: Signatories
The signatory to the club’s bank account shall include the President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer and two other persons from among the Trustees. 
10.2.1: Perpetual succession of signatories: The signatories nominated from the Trustees shall have the authority for five (5) years, after which they may be returned or another two members of trustees nominated. They shall serve as the stabilizing signatories.
10.2.2: Persons who are signatories due to the posts they held shall cease to have the authority at the expiration of their term.
10.2.3: Where possible, the signatories shall be classed as A and B, and a combination of A & B shall be required to authorize any banking business. One each of the two trustees-signatories shall belong to each group. Where delineation is not possible, the originating person of a transaction shall not authorize the banking aspect of such transaction.

10.3: The disposition of the Club’s subscriptions, Fines, Penalties, Donations and sundry incomes shall be as stated in Article 4.4.

10.4: Subscriptions: These are monthly dues currently fixed at $50.00. An amendment to this may be done by an ordinary resolution carried by at least two-third of members present at that meeting plus the duly announced proxies. The subscription is due @ call to order.

10.5: Fines and Penalties:

10.6: Overdue/Late Payments: All fees or subscriptions must be paid not later than the second subsequent meetings. Any late fees shall be subjected to late penalties and may be a ground to commence good-standing procedure against such debtor. The house under certain exigencies (natural disaster, indigence or loss) may mitigate this provision.

10.7: Auditing: 
The book of the club shall be subjected to continuing audit by the Internal Auditor according to his considered time-table. Ad-hoc Audit Committee may be appointed if desire to carry out a periodic audit. Regulatory /Government requirements shall also be followed as applicable.

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Of _____________________________________________________________________

having critically studied the contents of this constitution hereby voluntarily agrees to abide by and be bound by it.

I also agree to abide and be bound by its amendments as duly adopted by the house and in compliance with amendments provisions.


In the presence of

_________                                                                        __________________
President                                                                                 Secretary General

Dated this _______________ day of ______________,    20____


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